Why SEO Basics Aren't Enough

Why SEO Basics Aren't Enough

Why SEO Basics Aren't Enough

SEO Basics Are Not Enough

As a branding and design firm, we often need to address the topic of our clients’ SEO more than you might think. The truth is, SEO does not just mean relevant keywords, content and link building. The SEO field gets more and more complex as Google’s algorithm becomes more sophisticated.

According to Moz’s Rand Fishkin, “SEO is any input that search engines use to rank pages.” When building a client’s website we always keep SEO in mind. In addition to keyword research, internal link building and encouraging content creation, we also advise on some SEO elements that go beyond the basics. With over 80 signals currently affecting a domain’s ranking on Google, and 40% of the algorithm being based on domain level link authority and page level link features, we advise our clients that getting links to your site on high ranking domains should be a top priority.

On our recent article for Social Media Today we go into detail about what some next steps might be for those who have already begun the foundations of SEO but really need to get to the next level in order to compete. Read more on Social Media Today about, “Why SEO Basics Are Not Enough.”

If you’re concerned that basic SEO isn’t doing enough for you, contact us to learn more about how we can create a SEO plan that fit’s your organization’s needs.



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