Blog : social media

Staying Connected, Staying Well.

Staying Connected, Staying Well.

How are you doing? No, really. To claim that it’s “business as usual” would be denying the extraordinary circumstances we are experiencing collectively. We are very aware of new challenges to so many people and systems these days. And yet, we’re inspired. We’ve observed incredible innovation and beautiful acts of kindness that we wanted to shine a light on. Our social media pages are alive with posts celebrating what’s good in the world. And we created some great reminders of our own about self-care and well-being to share. From our families to yours, take a look, and take good care! Feel free to share the posts that speak to you. We hope they make your days brighter, too. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more positivity!

Why College Internships Can Be the Secret Sauce for Success at Work

Why College Internships Can Be the Secret Sauce for Success at Work

Nastasia Vasconcells, insight180’s new digital marketing coordinator, shares three ways the practical experience of college internships were instrumental in preparing her for work at insight180. Are internships important? Nastasia offers an emphatic, “Yes, absolutely.” Read about how her on-site internships enhanced her college learning experience better prepared her for her new, full-time position.

7 Tips to Make Sure Your Newsletter Actually Gets Delivered

7 Tips to Make Sure Your Newsletter Actually Gets Delivered

You’ve developed great content, you’ve designed the perfect newsletter, and you can’t wait to share the information to educate or inspire your audience. So you hit SEND. What could go wrong? One big thing can get between your newsletter and your audience, and that is the spam filter. “But I have opt-in permission from every person on my list,” you say?


Social Media Audits: How to Do One (and Why You Should)

Social Media Audits: How to Do One (and Why You Should)

Nowadays, it’s not enough to be a recognized brand name. As a company, you’re expected to let your customers get to know the real “you,” to experience your culture in a way that makes them want to invest in your success. Social media is one of the best ways to do that; to connect with your customers about much more than buying your products or services.


How to get started on Instagram for your B2B

How to get started on Instagram for your B2B

Owned by Facebook since 2012, Instagram is the most visual social media platform. It’s quickly growing into one of the most used (and liked) platforms, with 500 million daily active users. Many business-to-consumer (B2C) companies, like Starbucks, famously use Instagram to highlight their products, values and special promotions. By creating on-brand, visually appealing posts, Starbucks has created a following based around their products.

How Community Can Enhance Your Business Presence on Social Media

How Community Can Enhance Your Business Presence on Social Media

Personal and professional connections can be powerful forces in promoting your business. People who know you, know what you do and believe in you can be your company’s greatest advocates. With more than two billion users across the globe, social media is one place that professionals, friends and family gather to stay in touch. If you’re not using social media for your business, you may be missing a big opportunity to connect with more people in your business community.


Social Media Dimensions Made Simple: Your 2018 Blueprint

Social Media Dimensions Made Simple: Your 2018 Blueprint

Social media is ever-changing. The networking platforms’ newsfeed algorithms are constantly updated. Topic and engagement trends evolve quickly. And because social media platforms are frequently updating their layouts, recommended dimensions for profile, cover and other images change on a whim. READ MORE

How-To: Creating a LinkedIn Company Page

How-To: Creating a LinkedIn Company Page

[Editor’s Note: This post was recently featured in Social Media Today. Well done, Tara!]

As some of our previous posts have detailed, LinkedIn is an extremely useful tool for recruiting,  job hunting and networking. Now with Company Pages, LinkedIn can also be used as a powerful tool and enhancement to your content marketing plan.


When the brand waters get muddy

When the brand waters get muddy

Company ABC is a tech consulting firm in the secure government contracting space that promotes a fundraising event for a highly respected, well run charity for rehabilitating soldiers injured abroad. The veteran owners and many of their clients care passionately about the cause, and the thousands of dollars they contribute directly impact those in need of immediate assistance. Their contribution fills a vast funding deficit and gives the charity a much needed financial boost. And, it serves as an expression of Company ABC’s brand. They pride themselves on their integrity, reputation and transparency, and their commitment to their clients, country and community is evident in their brand from the way they provide services to the way they demonstrate giving back.

But what happens if the CEO’s values are different than those of its audience?  I was asked this recently by a CEO client who was trying to make sense of the drama around Chick-fil-A and its active support of groups that promote “traditional marriage” and oppose same-sex marriage equality. Back to that in a moment.

Since the advent of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) evolution of a decade or so ago, companies on the leading edge of social and environmentally responsible behavior could build strong brands from charitable actions related to their business. CEOs, whether as a result of an authentic, evolved perspective or as a result of previously unexamined supply chain practices, became more aware of the impact their operations had on their community and world, and many worked––and are still working––toward becoming more transparent in what they do as business entities.

For some businesses, their CSR and sustainability efforts have redefined their brands. IKEA, whose natural reforestation efforts, use of solar energy and fight against child labor in the supply chain has developed into a broad commitment to create “better everyday life” for the many, including major giving to UNICEF and Save the Children .

As a consumer, I like it. And as a business owner, it’s important to me to give back to the community and to operate in an environmentally sound way. . . and that we choose vendors and clients whose core values and brand visions are not out of alignment with our own. We give to a variety of organizations that are meaningful to us, that are related to our brand and that help further tell our story to our target audience.

So back to Chick-fil-A and those muddy waters. . . when is brand simply about the product and audience, when does it come to represent a set of values and when does interpreting those brand values potentially cross the line ideologically?

While my client has long known that Chick-fil-A operated on some pretty conservative Christian values, like never opening on Sunday, it always struck him as fairly positive and family oriented. However, when President Dan Cathy proudly admitted that the company had been actively involved in opposing gay marriage across the country, my client questioned the company’s choice. And while he personally would never allow his company to become political, what business owner doesn’t care about “policy” of some kind?

This isn’t a new question. Some brands have found themselves at the center of controversy by ignoring their social responsibility altogether — Joe Camel and friends being held accountable for the increase in tobacco sales to minors. Major retail clothing stores and some pretty noteworthy designers were forced to look at production due to unfair labor practices.

This brings up some good questions for C-level execs to consider. When is a brand about the CEO? (Always, to a certain extent). When is a brand about the customer? (Always, to a greater extent.) Is the brand related to a CSR policy and/or cause, and where is the line between personal beliefs and brand beliefs? Guess what, folks? Your business brand may or may not be the best place for a cultural debate unless you are prepared for the potential fallout from a particular group.

The bottom-line is, when a company truly embraces CSR, it opens itself up to criticism.  Does that mean you should only play it safe? That’s one way to approach it, I suppose.

Authenticity is still your best bet, but stick to what you’re good at. Know your target audience and what’s important to them about your brand. Make your social responsibility relate to your business brand, not a personal social or political agenda — unless you are prepared to face potential controversy. With today’s highly connected, informed and opinionated social networks, news will always spread, and there is an expectation of commitment to “something.” Make what your committed to be about your brand and your customer.

Don’t assume that your customers are oblivious. Sometimes little attention is paid, and sometimes customers are profoundly astute and engaged. Eventually they will respond. Be aware of the impact of unintended consequences.

The best idea, I think, is to know why you’re in business, know who your market is, focus on what you’re really good at and stick to it. While scandal and controversy, intentional or not, will surely garner publicity, the leadership of an organization needs to ask —  is this part of our overall strategy?

Personally, I think Mr. Cathy will be on the wrong side of history on this one. But we shall see.


~ Wendy Baird, principal and president


Brand Trust

Brand Trust

As a sixth grader in home economics, I was assigned to write a letter to a company about one of their products. The idea behind the assignment was simply to help us understand how to write and format a professional letter. I remember the excitement I felt when I got a response in the mail from the company I wrote to–until I opened it. Only thirteen years old, I was traumatized when I read that the company did not appreciate my letter (which suggested the company produce a diet version of a certain cake product – which of course now exists,) and claimed if I wrote again they would be forced to take some sort of action. I laugh now, but I also wonder if I would resend my letter today, or posed my suggestion on their Facebook wall – would I receive the same response?

I don’t think I would. Today, companies understand the importance of a relationship between their brand and their clients. According to a great article Is “Brand Trust” An Oxymoron?, Trust = Reliability + Credibility + Intimacy + Self Orientation.

When this article was posted in 2008, author Charles H. Green wrote,

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…two elements of the Trust Equation—intimacy and self-orientation—are inherently personal attributes, not corporate or product-related. We don’t share our feelings with a brand, or worry that our brand is self-focused and not paying enough attention to us. That would be silly.

Or would it?


Today, there is no question about it. Social Media has enabled brands to embrace the personal aspects of the trust equation. Before the social media revolution, these components of the trust equation were missing and brands had to believe in the reliability and credibility of their product. They did not hear what clients were saying–and they did not feel a need to. But, now everyone wants to share their opinions with the brand, and they can. Using social media can help build trust between a brand and its customers. Listen to what people are saying about your brand, and respond to them. There is now great opportunity to engage with your customers and prospects, and put a face behind the brand. Make sure you’re taking full advantage of the tools to do so.

— Michelle Loeb, social media and content strategist


To Tweet or Not to Tweet

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

Many of our B-to-B clients still debate the benefits of Twitter for their businesses. Sure it makes sense for retailers, but are other businesses going to follow us? Well, many B-to-B companies are behind their B-to-C counterparts in their efforts to ramp up, but we’re seeing more and more take advantage of social media outlets to gain clients. We understand that for a small company with limited time, it can be a tough call — it takes time to tweet, blog, or create content on Facebook. This is something that has to be developed and maintained with great thought and care. However, there are plenty of potential clients who are already online searching for services and ready to follow.

Not sure where to start? We recommend a great book, which can serve as a Twitter primer of sorts, Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day by Hollis Thomases of Web Ad.vantage. She clearly goes through the background, the benefits, the dos and don’ts of Twitter and how to manage your account using just a short amount of time each day. Thomases also proposes a month-by-month plan to master tweeting but here’s what we suggest you know when getting started…

5 Quick Twitter Tips
  • Ask away. Posing questions or asking for advice is helpful in adding/keeping friends. No one wants to read robot responses. Stay personal and post tweets that sound much like something you would say if you were speaking directly to a follower.
  • Simplicity is everything. Strive to keep tweets less than the designated 140 characters. This ensures that the messages you are sending out only contain truly useful information. If people are going to take time out of their day to read what you have to say, be sure to realize that every little bit counts.
  • Optimization. The opportunity for search visibility using Twitter is huge. Include keywords in your tweets that relate to your company (i.e. branding, strategy, etc.). Doing this will increase your chances of being found in a search because many search engines, such as Google, index Twitter.
  • Keep it personal. Always respond to direct messages. Taking time to speak with your clients and peers shows them that they’re concerns and comments are important and that you are listening. Also key, read what others are saying about you. Twitter can be a good way to gain feedback about what is or isn’t working for your company. Don’t be afraid of the negative comments, knowledge is power.
  • Turn heads. If you don’t already have an account, start one! Twitter can allow your company a fresh start and a chance to build your own reputation and brand. If you already have an account, Twitter can be useful in maintaining your company’s image as you are able to directly interact with customers and handle any issues that may arise. Using Twitter is a great way to show others that your company doesn’t just exist, but that it is evolving.