Blog : branding

Branding Your Startup

Branding Your Startup

I recently had the privilege of being part of a panel at the Maryland Center for Entrepreneurship’s Speaker Series to discuss marketing for emerging companies. We had some great questions and input from participants, which always makes it more interesting for everyone. Most concurred that as technology changes and it becomes more important to be connected and keyed in to what’s going on, basic branding building blocks still apply. As a startup, it’s very important to invest in your initial branding.

What Makes a Meaningful Brand?

What Makes a Meaningful Brand?

What Makes a Meaningful Brand?

When you think of a meaningful brand you might envision an organization that is philanthropic, transparent, socially and ethically responsible. While these are all pieces of what it means to be a meaningful brand, the relationship between the audience and brands are changing and in a nutshell, it means brands need to work a lot harder to be meaningful to their audiences. In order to beat the competition, a brand’s products or services not only must meet their customers’ needs, they also need to appeal to the things that their audience cares about and can implement into their daily lives.

Breaking Patterns to Create a Meaningful Brand Name

Breaking Patterns to Create a Meaningful Brand Name

Ah, naming!

One of our favorite tasks here at insight180 . . . . most of the time. Naming and rebranding in the wrong hands, however, can be detrimental, even disastrous. How can you be sure not to undermine the process and come up with a successful name for your advisory service business, nonprofit business or brand extension?

Conscious Leadership Connection

Conscious Leadership Connection

conscious leadership

Conscious leadership. . . .and what makes a great client

Insight180 has been in business for almost 15 years, and during that time we’ve worked with so many different kinds of clients. From startups, restaurants, brewers, retailers and solopreneurs to large membership organizations, public-private partnerships, Fortune 500 companies and international nonprofits, we have been very fortunate to work with some truly great ones. Lately we’ve been focusing on advisory firms in the business-to-business arena, or those who sell the “invisible” — a complex service, consulting, program or idea.

JCPenney: Too Much, Too Fast?

JCPenney: Too Much, Too Fast?

This week, I thought it would be great to recap on the JCPenney rebrand and what has happened since its launch back in early 2012 and what we can take away from it.

Building Your Brand One Interaction at a Time

Building Your Brand One Interaction at a Time

coordinated response website screen shot

Sometimes a gift just falls in your lap (or lands in your email box). As I was contemplating a branding blog post I was working on this morning, I received this email from one of our advisory firm clients. What a pleasure when one’s work is truly appreciated, and even better when the client really “gets” it. There are some really great insights here, and I share with his permission:

Hey, Wendy:

I’m reading a book and insight180 came to mind. The Art of Doing: How Superachievers Do what They Do and How They Do It So Well, by Camille Sweeney & Josh Gosfield. The book features interviews with respected, high profile professionals about how they do what they do. I heard the authors interviewed on two different radio programs during their book tour.