Using The Color Wheel

Using The Color Wheel

Using The Color Wheel

Being that we are currently doing some logo and branding for a client in the wine industry, I thought that exploring the world of color might be a fun topic. We have just about finished up our black and white logos for the client and it is almost time to show them some color options. However, the color options are a little tricky since it seems like most companies in the industry use the same old color palate. I know that when people think of wine they think of red, white and blush (pink) but the question is are these are only options and how do I get away from them?

Sure, those are the colors that relate to wine but they are ordinary and we are trying to brand the company to be distinct from the rest so I thought I would do some research about color and see what might be a viable option on where to start for another direction. It was in doing this research, that I came across the “trusty” color wheel. Something I haven’t thought about since college but which I think might be fun to test out on this logo.


Basically, for those of us who might have slept through that part of class when you were in school, the wheel shows relationships of colors.These relationships help you create options that are pleasing to the eye. I realize that the color wheel isn’t the only answer but it is a good starting point and maybe it will help me come up with something new and a bit more daring than the red, white and pink of most of their competitors.

I think that said it best when they called color “the ‘silent salesperson,’ it must immediately attract the consumer’s eye, convey the message of what the product is all about, create a brand identity and, most importantly, help to make the sale. At the very least (as on a Web page or in a print ad), it must create enough interest or curiosity to induce the would-be buyer to find out more about the product (or service).”

I want people to be drawn to the color scheme. It needs to help sell this company, so I am excited to apply this theory to the logo and see where it takes me and see if the color wheel is still a viable tool in helping to choose color. Wish me luck.




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